

Love Chico Junior High is a joint partnership between Trinity United Methodist Church of Chico and Bidwell Presbyterian Church. The purpose of this partnership is to "adopt" one of the local junior high schools - namely Chico Junior High School. We have big needs and big plans for the adoption of this wonderful school. Won't you please join us?

Galatians 5:13
For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Volunteers Needed

We are currently in need of volunteers for several projects at Chico Junior High School. There are many ways to get involved - below are just a few of the ways to serve.

• Sign up to be a "Homework Helper"
• Donate gift cards from Wal Mart and Safeway (&10.00 increments only)
• Donate to the "Supply Closet"
• Sign up for the "Workday" to refurbish the game/reading room
• Sign up for the "On Call List" to offer your truck for light hauling needs
• Donate new or used books for library (see "Most Wanted List")

Please email Lori at or call her at 898-8013 if you have any questions about any of the projects.

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