

Love Chico Junior High is a joint partnership between Trinity United Methodist Church of Chico and Bidwell Presbyterian Church. The purpose of this partnership is to "adopt" one of the local junior high schools - namely Chico Junior High School. We have big needs and big plans for the adoption of this wonderful school. Won't you please join us?

Galatians 5:13
For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.

Monday, April 25, 2011

New Bulletin Board at CJHS

In keeping with the new reading/game room theme, students from PV Art Studio under the direction of Reta Rickmers, have painted a bulletin board to look like a game of monopoly. These creative students spent one Saturday and one Friday evening for a total of 10 hours painting the board. They tailored the game to reflect the culture of the junior high, inserting various programs (Center for Success, BLAST) and activities (Spirit Days) onto the game squares. The final version complete with "Cougar Pride" squares is called "COUGAROPOLY"! Many thanks to these talented and fantastic students - the board looks terrific!

Pictured left to right are: Sarissa Powers, Victoria Miranda, and Oravipa Chinn

Gift Card Donations

Gift cards from grocery stores can come in handy for families in need at Chico Junior High School. Teachers at the school have in the past donated gift cards when hearing about particular families with emergency needs from the school counselors. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a stash of these cards to use when these emergencies arise? Leatha King, from Trinity United Methodist Church, has volunteered to head up this program. Leatha, (blue coat in photo) was a member of the team who helped with the new reading/game room. Her enthusiasm and generous nature is much appreciated!


Monday, March 28, 2011

Kick-Off Project: CJHS Reading/Game Room

On Saturday March 26th, the group finished it's kickoff project. Folks from New Hope, Trinity United Methodist, and Bidwell Presbyterian joined forces to create a new Reading/Game Room for Chico Jr High School. After two HUGE trips to the dump, four hours of cleaning and scrubbing floors, and one hour of putting together new furniture - the room was complete. What an wonderful, funny, humble, dedicated group of people!!! Both the school principal and the counselor were amazed at the transformation.

To everyone who showed up that day - we can't thank-you enough. We are delaying the opening of the room for about a week in order to get the floor waxed and the student artwork up on the ceiling. The bulletin boards have yet to be painted (in a game theme), but that will come next. I'll post a photo of the room in use as soon as I can.

Thanks again everyone... it was a total pleasure serving with you all!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Volunteers Needed

We are currently in need of volunteers for several projects at Chico Junior High School. There are many ways to get involved - below are just a few of the ways to serve.

• Sign up to be a "Homework Helper"
• Donate gift cards from Wal Mart and Safeway (&10.00 increments only)
• Donate to the "Supply Closet"
• Sign up for the "Workday" to refurbish the game/reading room
• Sign up for the "On Call List" to offer your truck for light hauling needs
• Donate new or used books for library (see "Most Wanted List")

Please email Lori at or call her at 898-8013 if you have any questions about any of the projects.